Satta and Balvand were penitent, but found no one who would be willing to escort them back to the Guru. They, continues Bhai Santokh Singh, at last approached Bhai Laddha, who forth with agreed to help even at the risk of earning the Guru`s displeasure. He blackened his face, put a string of old shoes around his neck, and riding a donkey, went to the Guru`s presence, leaving Satta and Balvand at the entrance. Guru Arjan, seeing that Bhai Laddha had voluntarily undergone the proclaimed punishment for having Satta and Balvand pardoned, agreed to readmit the bards to the sangat, provided they indemnified the sacrilege committed by composing verses in honour of the Gurus they had spoken ill of earlier. Bhai Gurdas, in one of his stanzas, praises Bhai Laddha calling him parupkdn one ready to do a good turn to others even at personal risk.
References :
1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala. Amritsar, 1955
2. Santokh Singh, Bhai, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth. Amiitsar, 1927-33
3. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909