According to Gur Ratan Mal (Sau Sakhi), Bishambhar Das, a shopkeeper and a Sikh devotee of Uyain in Central India, once sent his son, Har Gopal, to the Punjab with an offering of six hundred rupees to be made over to Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur. Har Gopal made the offering and the Guru gave him some karahprasad or consecrated food to be delivered to his father along with his message blessing him. Har Gopal, on his way back, stayed with Dhian Singh and expressed to the latter his doubt about the Guru`s justice in giving a handful of food and a word of blessing in return for six hundred rupees.
Dhian Singh told him that if he considered the blessing a poor return on his money, he could sell it to him (Dhian Singh) at a profit. Har Gopal agreed and Dhian Singh bought the blessing for six hundred and five rupees. Har Gopal resumed his homeward journey and investing his money on the way added to it a large profit. But when he reached home and narrated his experience and his deal, his father chided him for his folly. Bishambhar Das with his son came to Dhian Singh and expressing his regrets over his son`s error, begged for his intercession in obtaining the Guru`s pardon. Dhian Singh took them to Anandpur where the Guru graciously pardoned Har Gopal and instructed them in the virtue ofardas or prayer and in the Sikh code of ethics.
References :
1. Nayyar, Gurbachan Singh, ed., Gur Ratan Malarthat Sau Sakhi. Patiala, 1985