Guru Gobind Singh paid him in the Bachitra Ndtak glowing tributes for his fearlessness and martial prowess. Jujhar Singh, for instance, stood erect like a flagstaff planted on the battlefield. The flagstaff might waver, but not the brave Rajput. He did not flinch even when his righthand man Chandan Rai was killed. Jujhar Singh alone continued the fight. He was surrounded on all sides but, not caring for the consequences of his action, he rushed headlong into the ranks of his enemy wielding his weapons with dexterity, killing many a valiant soldier and falling, in the end, like a hero.
References :
1. Bachitra Natak
2. Kuir Singh, Gurbilds Pdtshdhi 10. Patiala, 1968
3. Harbans Singh, Guru Gobind Singh. Chandigarh, 1968