KALI (KALIYA) (My Lord) gave new life to Kali. (Gond Namdev, p. 874) The Lord who has created the beings and controls their movements. It cannot be a great feat for Him, if as Krishna He subdued and surmounted Kali. (Asa M. l, p. 350) Kali or Kaliya was a serpent king. He had fivfl heads and lived in a pool of the river Yamuna. Numerous serpents attended him. He emitted fire and smoke.
When Krishna was yet a child, while playinj with Balarama and other friends, he jumped into the poul.Kaliya immediately entwined him in his coils. Hii friends were terrified, but Balarama asked him te exercise his divine powers. When Krishna did so, th< venomous Kaliya was soon overcome. It implore< Krishna for mercy, -who spared him and asked him to leave the place at once.
References :
1. Kohli, Surindar Singh (ed), Dictionary of Mythological References in Guru Granth Sahib, 1993