In the Sikh tradition, amrit is not some magical potion that would confer upon the consumer an unending span of life or bring about automatic release from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The term is however retained figuratively to signify what leads to such release. In this sense, amrit is not something external to man “but is within him and is received by God`s grace” (GG, 1056,1238). In the holy hymns, amrit is repeatedly equated with nam, the Name, or Sabda, the Word (e.g. GG, 729,644,538,394). It is amrit of the True Name which when imbibed quenches and satiates all appetites (GG, 594).
Amrit is also used in gurbani in the adjectival sense of sweet, delicious, good, sweet sounding, etc. in phrases such as amritu bhojanu namu hari God`s Name is delicious food (GG, 556), amrit katha dulcet discourse (GG, 255), amrit dristi immortalizing glance (GG, l9l), amrita pria bachan tuhare sweet are Thy words, 0 Dear One (GG, 534). Guru Amar Das in an astpadi (eightstanza hymn) in Majh measure describes different characteristics of amrit such as eradicator of egoity, producer of amrit effect, a means to liv (concentration,) and giver of happiness (GG, 11819). This amrit of God`s Name is realized from within the self and can be realized at any hour of day or night, but the best time conducive to realization is the last quarter of night or the early morning to which Guru Nanak refers as amrit vela when the devotee may contemplate the greatness of God (GG, 2).
Guru Angad says that during early morning, the last quarter of night, the awakened ones develop a fondness for cultivating the True Name (GG, 146). Historically, amrit in the Sikh tradition refers to the baptismal water Guru Gobind Singh, Nanak X, consecrated for the initiatory rites promulgated in super session of charanamrit at the time of the creation of the Khalsa brotherhood. This is called Khande da Amrit or nectar touched with the double edged sword. See PAHUL
References :
1. Sikh Rahit Maryada. Amritsar, 1975
2. Kapur Singh, Parasaraprasna. Amritsar, 1989
3. Cole, W. Owen, and Piara Singh Sambhi, The Sikhs: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices. Delhi, 1978
4. Sher Singh, ed.. Thoughts on Symbols in Sikhism. Lahore, 1927
5. Harbans Singh, The Heritage of the Sikhs. Delhi, 1983