The hymn rejects the ritual of anjuli as libation to the manes and teaches man willingly to accept God`s bhana or His Will. The word anjuli also occurs in a hymn by Guru Ram Das in measure Gauri (GG, 171) repeated in the Sohila (GG, 1213). One is adjured to offer anjuli or salutation to the Lord which counts as an act of virtue. Although the Faridkot Tika describes anjuli as a chhand or a prosodic form, it is employed in the Guru Granth Sahib generally as a synonym for salutation or supplication.
References :
1. Shabdarth Sri Guru Granth SahibJi, vol. III. Amritsar, 1964
2. Adi Sri Guru GrantA SahibJi Satik (Faridkot Vala Tika) [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970