Springtime is the period of newness when vegetation stirs to life and nature comes to bloom in all its beauty and splendour. As the Guru`s grace occurs, man sheds the winter born leaves of ego, lust, greed, attachment and anger and blossoms into nam, joy in the constant remembrance of God. If Basant, i.e. spring, is the season of union, this Var impresses upon man to submit himself to the true Guru to achieve union with the Divine. Men who meditate on the Name and surrender themselves to the Will of the Lord are gurmukhs. They are holy, turned towards the Guru (gur==guru, JnuJch=face, i.e. face turned towards the Guru).
They alone overcome the five vices, companions of manmukhs, the self willed. Such men succumb not to grief, nor are they beguiled by pleasures. They are freed from the cycle of birth and death. Transmigration thus annulled, the self merges in the Creator.
References :
1. Bishan Singh, Giani, Bai Varan Satik. Amritsar, n.d.