DAS, BHATT. See BHATT BANI DAS GRANTHI, a pothi, i.e. a small book, containing selected barns or texts from the Dasam Granth. Das, meaning `ten`, here stands for `tenth`, or the Tenth Master`s granth or book to distinguish it from the older Adi Granth, i.e. the first or primary granth ; granth i, a small book (the suffix “I” is generally added to a word in Punjabi to indicate its diminutive form; an exception is the word granthi when it stands for a gurdwara officiant), Das Granthi thus being a small anthology comprising selections from the Dasam Granth of Guru Gobind Singh. Anthologies styled Das Granthi” evidently began to be compiled with a view to making the writings of Guru Gobind Singh which constitute a voluminous granth accessible to beginners and lay readers.
No standardized selections exist, but the Das Granthi in its current form issued under the seal of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee contains eight texts namely, Japu, Shabad Patshahi 10, Akal Ustati, Bachitra Natak, Chandi Charitra I, Chandi Charitra 2, Chandi di Var and Gian Prabodh. Das Granthi is now available in several different recensions, but not without variations in selection. A parallel compilation, Panj Granthi is also in existence that contains selections of barns from the Adi Granth. Selections differ in different editions, but the barns anthologized are usually more than five (pan;).
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