Among the aims and objects of the Diwan were the restoration of Sikhism to its pristine purity, propagation of education especially among women, development of Punjabi language and publication of books on Sikh history and religion.The Diwan gained popularity among the Sikhs owing especially to the unremitting campaign launched by its leaders such as Bhai Gurmukh Singh, Giani Ditt Singh and Bhai Jawahir Singh. Through platform speeches and through newspapers and tracts they preached the reformist creed of the Singh Sabha and derided the Amrilsar Diwan and its policies as conservative.
Gurmukh Singh had sponsored monthly Punjabi magazine Sudhdrdrak in April 1886, followed by the weekly Khalsa Akhbdr which started publication from 13 June 1886. In the hands of Giani Ditt Singh the latter became a powerful spokesman of the Lahore Diwan and its ideology. The number of the Singh Sabhas affiliated to the Diwan soon rose to above 125. But the Diwan lost its verve and vigour with the death of Sir Attar Singh in 1896, of Gurmukh Singh in 1898 and of Ditt Singh in 1901. It was completely eclipsed after the formation of the Chief Khalsa Diwan in 1902. See SINGH SABHA MOVEMENT
References :
1. Jagjit Singh, Singh Snhha Laliir. Ludhiana, 197`1
2. Ashok, Shamsher Singh, Panjah didn l.nhimn. Patiala, 1974
3. Gurrnukh Singh, Major, “Singh Sahha l.ahir” in Nanak Prakash Pntrika. Paliala, Deccinbci 1988
4. Harbans Singh, The Hem`age of Ifu`Sikhs. Delhi, 1983
5. Ganda Singli (ed.) Singh Sabha and Other Snow-Religious Movements in the Panjnh. Patiala, 1984