VIDIA SAGAR GRANTH, lit. the book (granth) of the ocean (sagar) of wisdom {vidia), is the title given to a legendary literary corpus created at Anandpur under the patronage of Guru Gobind Singh. The volume, also known as Vidiasar Granth, Vidiadhar Granth and Samund Sagar Granth, was supposed to comprise the writings of die Guru as well as of the fifty-two poets and scholars he kept with him. As the tradition goes, it weighed nine maunds (approximately 320 kilograms) and got lost in the River Sarsa when Guru Gobind Singh and the Sikhs were crossing it after evacuating Anandpur in 1705.
GRANTH GURBILAS PATSHAHI 6 (granth volume, book; gurbilas = life story of the Guru; patshahi 6 = the spiritual preceptor, sixth in the order of succession), is a versified account, in Punjabi, of the life of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. The manuscript, preserved in the Punjab University Library, Chandigarh, under accession No. 1176, is of anonymous authorship. The dale of its composition is also not known. The condition of the paper, the formation of the letters and the style of writing point to a comparatively recent date. The manuscript comprises 135 folios, each folio having 30 (fifteen + fifteen) lines.
PAN SAU SAKHI, a collection of five hundred anecdotes (panj = five; sau = hundred; sdkhi = anecdote), attributed to Bhai Ram Kuir (1672-1761), a descendant of Bhai Buddha, renamed Bhai Gurbakhsh Singh as he received the rites of the Khalsa at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708). It is said that during his long association with the Guru, Ram Kuir had heard from his lips many anecdotes concerning the lives of the Gurus which he used to narrate to Sikhs after his return to his village, Ramdas, in Amritsar district, after Anandpur had been evacuated in 1705. Bhai Sahib Singh is said to have reduced these sdkhis to writing. Later, they were split into five parts, each comprising one hundred stories whence the title "Sau Sakhi" or A Hundred Stories gained currency.
Var Patshahl Dasvin Ki, ballad in Punjabi by an unknown poet who describes, Guru Gobind Singh\'s battle against the combinded forces of hill rajas and the Mughal faujdar Rustam Khan. The poet has not mentioned where and when the action took place the names of the Mughal commander Rustam Khan and his brother Himmat Khan mentioned in the Var indicate that it was the battle of Nirmohgarh, fought in 1700. The Var opens with a supplicatory verse where after the poet straightway begins the narrative. Rustam Khan has arrived at the head of a Mughal host with the proclaimed hiect of routing the Guru and his Sikhs.
GUKBILAS CHHEVIN PATSHAHl, lit. the (life)play of the Sixth Guru, is a versified biography of Guru Hargobind in language more akin to Braj, written in the Gurmukhi script. The author is anonymous, though the colophon mentions 1775 Bk/AD 1718 as the year of the completion of the work. The task, says the poet, took him fifteen months to accomplish. Certain anachronistic references to events ofpost1718 period make this date suspect. Another date suggested by a modern scholar is AD 1843.
PARCHI (plural parchtdn), Punjabized form of the Sanskrit noun parichaya which means introduction, evidence or an anecdote bearing witness to the miraculous powers of a prophet or seer. The term was applied to the form of Punjabi writing developed in the seventeenth century to present the life stories of the Gurus, saints and bhaktas. Even mythical characters such as Dhru and Prahlad were not beyond the purveiw of the genre. The word parchi is sometimes used synonymously with sdkht, but there is a shade of distinction between the two. Whereas sdkhi is a popular coinage denoting the account of an event from the life of a saint or prophet, parchi essentially refers to the form.
WAJAB UL-ARZ, lit. a properly petition, is a section of Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, also known as Gursikkhan di Bhagatmal, a manuscript in Punjabi, Gurmukhi script, attributed to Bhai Mani Singh (d. 1737) the martyr, who had received the rites of initiation at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh himself. Three copies of the manuscript were preserved in the Sikh Reference Library at Amritsar under No. 7398, No. 6140 and No. 751 until these perished during operation Blue Star in 1984. The printed version of Sikhan di Bhagat Mala however does not include this section. The Wajab ul-Arz also forms part of Bhagvan Singh\'s anthology of rahitnamas entitled Bibekbardhi, an unpublished manuscript of which is preserved in the Dr Balbir Singh Sahitya Kendra, Dehra Dun.
ZINDAGI NAMAH, a book of pious poetry in Persian by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, an honoured Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, whose name continues to be remembered with affection and esteem. A distinction which uniquely belongs to him is that his verse can be sung along with Scriptural hymns at Sikh religious divans, an exception made only in one other case, viz. that of Bhai Gurdas. The Zindagi Namah is believed to be Nand Lal\'s first work of poetry which he wrote after he had shifted to Anandpur to join the Guru.