MINTO, SIR GILBERT ELLIOT (1751-1814), Governor General of India (18071 S) son of Sir Gilbert Elliot, third baronet of Minto, was born of 23 April 1751. He was called to the bar at the Lincoln`s Inn in 1774 and in 1806 served as president of the Board of Control. Lord Minto`s arrival in India in July 1807 marked the termination of the policy of noninterference in the trans Jamuna region followed successively by Wellcslcy, Cornwallis and Barlow. The general principles of Lumsdcn`s minute of is January 1805, which limited the Company`s frontier to the right bank of the Jamuna and strict avoidance of any political interference with the Sikhs were unacceptable to him.
STEINBACH, HENRY, a Prussian, was one of the many European adventurers who secured employment in the Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors. Steinbach joined the Sikh infantry in 1836 as a battalion commander on a starting salary of Rs 600 per month, increased to Rs 800 by 1841. He was charged with training his battalion on the British model. From 1838 to 1841, Steinbach was posted at Peshawar.