BAVAN AKHARI, a poem constructed upon 52 (bavan) letters (akhar) of the alphabet. In this form of poetry each verse begins serially with a letter of the alphabet. The origin of the genre is traced to ancient Sanskrit literature. Since the Devanagari alphabet, employed in Sanskrit, comprises fifty-two (bavan, in Hindi) letters (33 consonants, 16 vowels and 3 compounds), such compositions came to be called bavan akharior bavan aksari. Notwithstanding this nomenclature, no such composition consists exactly of fifty-two stanzas as few stanzas will open with a vowel, and the compounds are generally left out of this scheme of poetry.
BASANT KIVAR, by Guru Arjan, is the shortest of the twenty-two vars, i.e. holy poems composed in the style or tone of odes (vars, in Punjabi) or heroic ballads included in the Guru Granth Sahib. Basant, Punjabi for spring, from which musical measure the Var derives its title is, like Malhar (the rag"a of the rainy season), an ancient seasonal ragathe raga of springtime. Basant ki Var comprises three pauris or stanzas only, each pauri consisting of five lines. Like the Var of Balvand and Satta and unlike any Other var in the Guru Granth Sahib, this Var does not have any slokas added to the pauris.The Var addresses itself to the theme of the Guru`s grace which alone will enable man to overcome his ego or self hood and, thus, attain, communion with the Creator.
DAS, BHATT. See BHATT BANI DAS GRANTHI, a pothi, i.e. a small book, containing selected barns or texts from the Dasam Granth. Das, meaning `ten`, here stands for `tenth`, or the Tenth Master`s granth or book to distinguish it from the older Adi Granth, i.e. the first or primary granth ; granth i, a small book (the suffix "I" is generally added to a word in Punjabi to indicate its diminutive form; an exception is the word granthi when it stands for a gurdwara officiant), Das Granthi thus being a small anthology comprising selections from the Dasam Granth of Guru Gobind Singh. Anthologies styled Das Granthi" evidently began to be compiled with a view to making the writings of Guru Gobind Singh which constitute a voluminous granth accessible to beginners and lay readers.
KHALSA MAHIMA, literally praise of the Khalsa, is a short poem by Guru Gobind Singh inserted at the end of the thirty-three Savaiyyc in the Dasam Granth. The language is Braj Bhasa, i.e. medieval Hindi of the Mathura Agra region. The setting is provided by an incident which occurred during a Divali feast Guru Gobind Singh gave at Anandpur. On that occasion the high caste Pandit Kesho was inivited to eat after the Khalsa had feasted.
SALOP SAHASKRITI, title of a composition comprising seventy-one verses incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib. The term `Sahaskriti` denotes the language form, a mixture of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, in which these slokas have been written. `Gatha` is another word used for `Sahaskriti`. Of the seventy-one verses collected under the title Salok Sahaskriti, sixty-seven are of the composition of Guru Arjan and the remaining four of Guru Nanak. Terse and cryptic in style and the favorites of classical scholars such as the Nirmalas, these verses denounce ritualism and hypocritical religious behavior and present loving devotion and absorption in the Divine Nam as the true ideal.
SUKHMANI, titled Gauri Sukhmani in the Guru Granth Sahib after the musical measure Gauri to which it belongs, is a lengthy composition by Guru Arjan which many include in their daily regimen of prayers. The site, once enclosed by a dense wood, where it was composed around AD 160203, is still marked on the bank of the Ramsar pool in the city of Amritsar. It is said that Baba Sri Chand, elder son of Guru Nanak and founder of the Udasi order, came to Amritsar to meet Guru Arjan, then engaged in composing the poem. The Guru who had by that time completed sixteen astpadis, or cantos, requested him to continue the composition.
DINRAIN, lit. (din + rain) day and night, is the title (dinraini) of a single 4stanza hymn by Guru Arjan Dev in the Majh measure (GG, 13637). The composition evidently follows the prosodic vogue of inscribing verses to kalkrama (process of time) embracing forms such as baramaha (twelve months of the year), thitf (lunardates) and var (days of the week). Otherwise, the contents of this hymn are in harmony with the tenor of the entire text, i.e. praise of, surrender to, and love of God, the Ultimate Reality. Writing in the first person and in conversational style mixed with soliloquy.
KUCHAJI, lit. an awkward, illmannered woman, is the title of one of Guru Nanak`s compositions, in measure Suhi in the Guru Granth Sahib. Antithetically it is followed by another of his compositions called Suchaji (lit. a woman of good manner and accomplishment). KuchaJi verses are said to have been addressed, by the Guru, to a sorceress named Nurshah, of Kamiup, who used to entice men by her magical powers. But the contents belie the conjecture.
SALOX VARAN TE VADHIK is the title given to a miscellany comprising 152 slokas or couplets appearing in the concluding portion of the Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Arjan, when compiling the Holy Volume introduced slokas by the Gurus he had collected into the texts of vars, another favored form of composition. The couplets left over in the process were assembled under the caption Salok Varan Te Vadhik, i.e. slokas in excess of the vars. The first chapter in this section consists of 33 slokas 32 by Guru Nanak and one (No 28) by Guru Amar Das forming a sequel to Guru Nanak`s sloka 27.
THITI with the variation THITTIN, is a title shared by three different compositions, one each by Guru Nanak, Guru Arjan and Kabir, in the Guru Granth Sahib. According to traditional Indian calendar, thitt (Skt. tithi) denotes a day or a date of the lunar cycle of the month. In Brahmanical ritualism, certain lunar days acquired sanctity for being associated with some deity or incarnation of god or goddess and began to be observed as especially auspicious. The Thiti hymns discountenanced the notion of one day being more propitious than the others. All days, they reiterate, are auspicious if devoted to God`s remembrance and to good deeds.