CHAUBIS AVTAR, a collection of twenty-four legendary tales of twenty-four incarnations of the god Visnu, forms a part of Bachitra Natak, in Guru Gobind Singh`s Dasam Granth. The complete work contains a total of 4,371 verseunits of which 3,356 are accounted for by Ramavtar and Krishnavtar. The shortest is Baudh Avatar comprising three quatrains, and the longest is Krishnavtar, with 2,492 verseunits, mostly quatrains. The introductory thirty-eight chaupais or quatrains refer to the Supreme Being as unborn, invisible but certainly immanent in all objects.
JAPU, with the Punjabi complimentary ji commonly suffixed to it as ah honorific, is the opening composition of Sikh Scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib. At the head of the table of contents of the volume, this composition is recorded as Japu Nisdnu, meaning the `flag composition Japu` or, according to some other excgeis `authcnticated/a/m`. The title Japu is from the verb japand (lit. to repeat orally) or what is meant for meditating or repeating, usually silently, with or without the help of a rosary, of the name of a deity or of a mantra (lit. spell, incantation).
RUTI (RUTTI), a composition by Guru Arjan in Raga Ramkali in the Guru Granth Sahib comprising eight six line stanzas, preceded by two slokas, each of two lines. Rutfi is the plural of rutt, Skt. rtu (season). The slokas introduce the theme briefly while the stanzas, called chhantshere, elaborate it. Generally, the hymn portrays the intense urge in man to meet the Supreme Being. The yearning sharpens from season to season.
SUCHAJl (SUCHAJJI), literally, a woman of good manner and accomplishment, is the title of one of Guru Nanak`s compositions, in measure Suhi, in the Guru Granth Sahib. Antithetically, it follows another of his compositions called Kuchaji (literally, an awkward, illmannered woman). Suchaji (`sn`, meaning good or appropriate; `chaf meaning manner or style, with i being the suffix of feminine singular) is the term figuratively used to typify the qualities of a gurmukh (egoless person turned towards lord). According to Janam Sakhi tradition, Guru Nanak uttered these verses in conversation with Shaikh Brahm (Ibrahim), a distant spiritual successor of Shaikh Farid of Pakpattan, whom he met in the course of one of his journeys through western Punjab.
ACROSTIC :At the age of seven Guru Nanak went to school and the schoolmaster wrote the alphabet on a wooden tablet for Nanak. After just one day Nanak copied the alphabet from memory and made an acrostic on the alphabet. The acrostic called the Patti or tablet in the Rag Asa, is as follows: The One Lord who created the world is the Lord of all. Fortunate is their advent into the world. whose hears remain attached to God\'s service.
CHRITROPAKHYAN, a long composition comprising women`s tales in verse, forms over one-third of the Dasam Granth. The work is generally ascribed to Guru Gobind Singh. A school of opinion, however, exists which asserts that Chritropakhyan and some other compositions included in the Dasam Granth are not by the Guru but by poets in attendance on him. According to the date given in the last Chritra or narrative, this work was completed in 1753 Bk/AD 1696 on the bank of the River Sutlej, probably at Anandpur. The last tale in the series is numbered 405, but number 325 is somehow missing.
KANRE KI VAR, by Guru Ram Das, is one of the twenty-two compositions entered in the Guru Granth Sahib under the rubric of vdr. Like oilier vdrs it is assigned to a specific musical measure Kanra, in this instance. At the head of the Vdr is recorded by Guru Arjan, who prepared the first recension of the Holy Book, the direction as to the tune to which it should appropriately be sung, i.e. the tune of the folk ballad celebrating a popular hero, Musa, who attacked the chief to whom his fiancee had been married, capturing both the bridegroom and the bride, and then gallantly setting them free. The Vdr, in simple Punjabi with an occasional touch of Sadh Bhakha, consists of fifteen pauns, or stanzas, and thirty slokas, all of them of Guru Ram Das`s composition.
SALOP SAHASKRITI, title of a composition comprising seventy-one verses incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib. The term `Sahaskriti` denotes the language form, a mixture of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, in which these slokas have been written. `Gatha` is another word used for `Sahaskriti`. Of the seventy-one verses collected under the title Salok Sahaskriti, sixty-seven are of the composition of Guru Arjan and the remaining four of Guru Nanak. Terse and cryptic in style and the favorites of classical scholars such as the Nirmalas, these verses denounce ritualism and hypocritical religious behavior and present loving devotion and absorption in the Divine Nam as the true ideal.
SUKHMANI, titled Gauri Sukhmani in the Guru Granth Sahib after the musical measure Gauri to which it belongs, is a lengthy composition by Guru Arjan which many include in their daily regimen of prayers. The site, once enclosed by a dense wood, where it was composed around AD 160203, is still marked on the bank of the Ramsar pool in the city of Amritsar. It is said that Baba Sri Chand, elder son of Guru Nanak and founder of the Udasi order, came to Amritsar to meet Guru Arjan, then engaged in composing the poem. The Guru who had by that time completed sixteen astpadis, or cantos, requested him to continue the composition.
\'Anand\', which the Sikhs reverently call Anand Saheb is among the most popular compositions of Guru Amardas, the third of the ten Sikh gurus. This important composition constitutes on significant part of the daily liturgical recitations prescribed for the Sikhs. The compositions of Guru Amardas in general, and Anand in particular, expresses deep spiritual experiences couched in simple, unembellished diction. The guru is a master at blending profound philosophical tenor with enchanting lyricism in metaphors which are homely, and images that are drawn from everyday life.