DASAM GRANTH (lit. the Tenth Book, generally signifying the Book of the Tenth Guru) is how the collection of compositions attributed to the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, is named to distinguish it from the earlier work, the Adi Granth, the First or Primary Book, compiled by Guru Arjan, the fifth in the spiritual line from Guru Nanak and to which Guru Gobind Singh added the hymns of the Ninth Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur, for bearing from adding any of his own. His own compositions were gathered into a separate volume. According to Kesar Singh Chhibbar, Bansavalinama Dasan Patshahian Ka, the two volumes sat in gurdwaras separately when in Sammat 1755 (AD 1698), Sikhs, says Chhibbar, proposed to Guru Gobind Singh that the two Granths be got bound together into one volume. But the Guru spoke, "This one is Adi Guru Granth, the root book; that one is only for my diversion.
SARABLOH GRANTH, a poem narrating the mythological story of the gods and the demons, in ascribed to Guru Gobind Singh, and is therefore treated as a sacred scripture among certain sections of the Sikhs, particularly the Nihang Sikhs. The authorship is however questioned by researchers and scholars of Sikhism on several counts. First, the work is marked by extraordinary effusiveness and discursiveness of style over against the compactness characteristic of Guru Gobind Singh`s compositions collected in the Dasam Granth. Qualitatively, too, the poetry of Sarabloh Granth does not match that of Guru Gobind Singh`s Chandi Charitras and Var Durga Ki dealing with the same topic of wars between the gods and the demons.