AKHBARAT-I-SINGHAN, also known as Twarikhi Sikkhan, is a diary of the day today events of the period from 1895 Bk/AD 1839 to 1903 Bk/AD 1847 based on official reports which General Avitabile (q.v.), military governor of Peshawar during Sikh times, received from various districts under his jurisdiction. It is written in Khatti Shikasta. also called Khatti Diwani; the name of the compiler is not known. The only known manuscript is available, in three volumes, at the Panjab University Library. Lahore, under MS. No. PE III, 30. Volume I, comprising 250 folios, covers the period from 12 Chet 1895 Bk to 3 Jeth, 1896 23 March 1839-May 1839 and contains news from Peshawar.
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