SIKH HANDBILL COMMITTEE, a small body consisting of 11 members formed under the Chief Khalsa Diwan to further social and religious reform among the Sikh.s, was set up at Lahore on 22 December 1907. Its task was to bring out leaflets to propagate Sikh principles, and to influence the Sikh masses to live up to the precepts and practices enjoined by the Gurus. The handbills printed in Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi and freely distributed, especially in the countryside, would, it was felt, be a cheaper and more effective substitute for newspapers and pulpit preaching.
MANMAT PRAHAR LARI (lit., a series to overcome heresy) comprises tracts written by Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid of Tarn Taran between 1903 and 1908, denouncing unSikh customs and rituals to which the Sikhs had succumbed. This had been one of the primary objectives of the Singh Sabha reform and a most forceful exponent of it was Giani Ditt Singh, a prolific writer and editor of the Khalsd Akhbdr. With his death in 1901, a vacuum occurred in the reformers` crusade against ignorance and superstition among the Sikh masses. Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid entered the arena in 1903 and attempted to fill this gap.