MAHIMA PRAKASH, by Sarup Das Bhalla, is a versified account, in Gurmukhi script, of the lives of the ten Gurus, completed according to inner evidence, in 1833 Bk/AD 1776. Three copies of the manuscript, are still extant: one (No. 176) in the Languages Department, Punjab, Patiala, the second (No. 792) in the Punjab State Archives, Patiala, and third (No. 3200) in the Khalsa College Library, Amritsar. A fourth copy of the manuscript existed in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, until it perished in 1984. The work has since been published (1970) in two volumes by the Languages Department, Punjab, Patiala.
PARTAPU, BHAI, a professional soldier, came to Guru Arjan, offered obeisance and spoke with folded hands, "Weilding of arms is my trade. Pray, advise me how best my soul can be saved." Guru Arjan, as recorded by Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, said, "When death comes no one will save you, and until then no one can harm you. Therefore, be fearless in battle, but fight only for a righteous cause. When out of battle, be charitable. Through charity your arms shall be blessed, through charity you shall earn renown." Bhai Partapu became a disciple and was so highly regarded for his devotion and piety that Bhai Gurdas made a special mention of him in his composition, the Varan.