BHOG (which by literal etymology, from Sanskrit, signifies "pleasure," "delight") is the name used in the Sikh tradition for the group of observances which accompany, the reading of the concluding parts of Scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib. This conclusion may be reached as part of the normal and routine reading in the daytoday lectionary of a major centre of worship with a staff of readers. But in the mind of the community the word is very deeply associated with a complete, end to end, reading of the Holy Book without interruption which is called akhand path. This usually takes two twenty four hour days of nonstop reading by a relay of readers.
DHALEO, locally called Dhalevari, village 6 km southeast of Bhikhi (30° 3`N, 75° 33`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Tegh Bahadur who arrived here travelling from Bhikhi during his sojourn in the Malva region. It is said that as Guru Tegh Bahadur was riding towards Gandhuari to see an old Sikh, Bhai Mughlu, lying on his deathbed, he noticed ajogT in meditation on the bank of the pond at Dhaleo. The Guru alighted here on his way back from Gandhuari and held a discourse with the jogi, whose name was Tuisi Das.
U.P. SIKH PRATINIDHI BOARD, formed on 19 July 1947 at Lucknow, is, as the name indicates, a representative body of the Sikhs of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The Board came into being in consequence of a ban imposed, in 1946, by the government of the state known as the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh in British times, on the possession and carrying by Sikhs of kirpan or sword, one of the five symbols of the Khalsa. A meeting of the representatives of Singh Sabhas of the province called at Lucknow in January 1947 to protest against the ban led to the constitution of a common platform which went by the name of the U.P. Sikh Pratinidhi Board. Bhai Amar Singh Khalsa was elected president and Ajmer Singh secretary.
DHARAMSALA or dharamsala from Sanskrit dharmasala, lit. court of justice, tribunal, charitable asylum, religious asylum, stands in Punjabi for a place of worship or the village hospice. Dharamsala as a Sikh institution is the precursor of gurdwara (q.v.). According to janam sakhis, accounts of the life of Guru Nanak (1469-1539). the Guru wherever he went, enjoined his followers to build or set apart a place where they should meet regularly to sing praises of the Lord and to discuss matters of common concern. These places came to be called dharamsalas and the congregations assembling therein became sangats. Dharamsalas grew up in far flung places in the wake of Guru Nanak\'s extensive travels.
RANJIT NAGARA, lit. the drum of victory in battlefield, was the name given the kettledrum installed by Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur in 1684. Nagdrd, Punjabi for the Persian naqqdrah meaning a kettledrum, was a symbol of royalty. As well as fulfilling his spiritual office, Guru Gobind Singh had, like his grandfather. Guru Hargobind, adopted the emblems of worldly dignity. He wore an aigrette and arms, sat under canopy and went out riding in state. Adding another sign of authority, in 1684, his diwdn, Nand Chand, had a kettledrum installed at his bidding.