BHANA MANNANA: Bhana Mannana literally means to bow before the Will of God. Anything unpleasant should not make a Sikh despondent or angry. One should try to do one\'s best and leave the rest to God. Sikh is not a fatalist but a Sikh has an obligation not to question the Grace of the Almighty. To have faith in the Almighty and also to grudge over some unpleasant phenomenon, is contradiction in terms. Also see: Charhdi Kala.
CHARHDI KALA, a subtly composite concept, commonly translated as "high morale" or "high spirit", signifies in the Sikh tradition, to which the usage is peculiar and native, a great deal more. It stands for a perennially blossoming, unwilling spirit, a perpetual state of certitude resting on unwavering belief in Divine justice. It is that everlasting spirit of bravery which makes light of all hardships and handicaps a spirit that will prompt one who had nothing better to eat than a mouthful of gram to say that he was eating almonds, and spirit which would lead one to describe death as an expedition to the next world, a man with an empty stomach declaring himself to have gone mad with prosperity.