DEVA SINGH, SIR (1834-1890), a highranking Patiala state administrator, was born in 1834 into an Arora Sikh family, the son of Colonel Khushal Singh, a brave soldier who had once killed a tiger (sher, in Punjabi) near one of the city gates conferring upon it the name Sheranvala which lasts to this day. Deva Singh received the only formal education available at that time by attending a maktab or Persian school, and entered Patiala state service at a very early age in 1846. In 1853, he was appointed assistant judicial minister and in 1855, a Risaldar in a cavalry unit.
PANJ MUKTE, lit. five (panj) liberated ones (mukte), is how a batch of five Sikhs, who according to Bhai Daya Singh`s Rahitndmd, were the first after the Panj Piare to receive the rites of Khalsa initiation at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh on the historic Baisakhi day of AD 1699. They were Ram Singh, Fateh Singh, Deva Singh, Tahil Singh and Isar Singh. According to Bhai Chaupa Singh, the Rahitndmd Hazuri, usually ascribed to him, was originally drafted by the muktds.