GURU KIAN SAKHIAN, containing stories from the lives of the Gurus, was written by Bhatt Sarup Singh Kaushish, of Bhadson, in Parganah Thanesar. As recorded by the author, the manuscript was completed in 1847 Bk/AD 1790 at Bhadson itself. The original manuscript was written in Bhattachchhari, a script used by the Bhatts or family bards for recording genealogical details concerning their clients. It was later transliterated into Gurmukhi script by Bhatt Chhaj[ju Singh Kaushish in 1925 Bk/AD 1869. The work has since been published (1986) in book form.
GURUSHABAD RATANAKAR MAHAN KOSH, more popularly known by its shorter title Mahan Kosh, the great dictionary, by the celebrated man of letters and lexicographer, Bhai Kahn Singh, of Nabha, is a work unexcelled for its neatness and refinement of expression and monumental in its scope and size. It would indeed do justice to the title "Encyclopaedia." It is amazing how an individual conceived and planned a work of such a vast dimension and how he accomplished it single handed in a single lifetime.
RATAN DAM by Tahkan, a translation and adaptation into Braj of Acharya Amar Singh`s Amar Kosh, the famous Sanskrit lexicon. Tahkan was one of the several poets who kept Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) company. In preparing Ratan Dam, the poet consulted works other than Amar Kosh as well. The manuscript which has so far remained unpublished comprises twentyeight chapters. The only extant copy (No. 2421) is preserved in the Central State Library, Patiala.
BANI PRAKASH or 5n Guru Banf Prakash is a dictionary of the Guru Granth Sahib compiled by Sodhi Teja Singh. According to the author, he started working on it in December 1928, and got it printed in 1932 at the Phulwari Press, Lahore. The original version of the dictionary, according to the author, was based on the Faridkot Tika of Guru Granth Sahib, but subsequently he incorporated into it a considerable amount of more material from further study of exegetical and lexical works in the field of Sikh learning.
GURMAT MARTAND, by Bhai Kahn Singh, is a glossary in two volumes of terms bearing on different aspects of Sikh religion, theology and belief. The author undertook this work, arranged topically as well as alphabetically, with a view to rectifying some of the misconceptions about certain Sikh theological and conceptual doctrines and notions which had crept in as a result of ignorance of some chroniclers and the general inability of Sikhs to comprehend clearly and correctly the meaning of the canonical texts.