STEINBACH, HENRY, a Prussian, was one of the many European adventurers who secured employment in the Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors. Steinbach joined the Sikh infantry in 1836 as a battalion commander on a starting salary of Rs 600 per month, increased to Rs 800 by 1841. He was charged with training his battalion on the British model. From 1838 to 1841, Steinbach was posted at Peshawar.
VENTURA, JEAN BAPTISTE (1792-1858), a general in the Sikh army, was an Italian by birth who had served in Napoleon`s army as a colonel of infantry and had taken part in the battle of Wagram (1809), in the Russian campaign (1812) and in the battle of Waterloo (1815). After the defeat of Napoleon, he left France and wandering through Persia and Afghanistan, reached Lahore in 1822 in company with Jean Francis Allard, whom he had met in Teheran. Ventura was given employment by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and enstrusted with the task of organizing Sikh infantry on European lines.
HOLMES, JOHN (d. 1848), a Eurasian soldier of fortune, who started his career as a trumpeter in tlic Bengal Horse Artillery. In September 1829, lie left the British, and joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s army as a gunner, eventually rising to the rank of colonel. He took part in the battle of Peshawar (1834) and the battle ofJamrud (1837). He accompanied General Vcntura on his hill campaign of 1840-41, and helped the British in forcing their way through the Khaibar Pass in 1842. He had also served in a civilian capacity as kdrddr (revenue officer) of Gujrat for two years (1835-36).