GARAB GANJANI TIKA, by Bhai Santokh Singh, is an exegesis in the Nirmala tradition of Guru Nanak`s Japu. The commentator, a celebrated poet and chronicler and author of the monumental Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, completed the work, his only one in prose, in 1886 Bk/AD 1829. Whereas all his poetic works are written in Braj, this one is in Sadhukari. Santokh Singh undertook the writing of this commentary at the behest of his patron Ude Singh (d. 1843), the ruler of Kaithal, who, dissatisfied with an earlier tika by an Udasi sadhu, Anandghana, had wished a fresh one to be prepared. The original manuscript of Garab Ganjani Tika is preserved in the Dr Balbir Singh Sahitya Kendra at Dehra Dun.
JAPUPARAMARATH, by Bhai Ram Kishan, is an unpublished manuscript of the exegesis of Guru Nanak`s Japu. The only manuscript copy is available at Ace. No. 612 in the Dashmesh Library, Anandpur the other two in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, and the Khalsa College Library, Patiala, having since been destroyed or lost. The exegcte was a known Sevapanthi saint, and he completed the work, as per the internal evidence in Amritsar manuscript, on Maghar sudi 2, 1853 Bk/22 November 1796: the date given in the Anandpur manuscript (Jeth sudi 6,1856 Bk/27 May 1799) is obviously the one when the scribe copied it.