PARAMARTHA, a combination of param, i.e. the highest or the supreme, and artha, i.e. meaning or objective or purpose, is, in literature, the title generally applied to a work of exposition of a scriptural text. Unliked which deals with the text in an elaborate and comprehensive way, the paramdrtha, in contradistinction, refers only to the inner or central meaning of the text. In Sikh exegetical literature, the paramdrtha tradition goes back to the Janam Sakhis, the first ever written accounts of Guru Nanak`s life, which also contain elaborations and expositions of some of his compositions.
PARYAI ADI SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI DE is a lexicon of the Guru Granth Sahib prepared by Sant Sute Prakash. The year of its completion as recorded in the colophon is 429 Nanakshahi (AD 1898). The work comprises 1440 pages of which 110 are devoted to a commentary on the fapu (jl). It is stated by the author in the introduction that the Japu(ji) was composed by Guru Nanak at the Sumer mountain, and that its different stan zas were meant as replies to various questions put to him by the Siddhas there. The author has explicated the text of the Japu(fi) in the question answer style, posing questions on hebalf of the Siddhas and explaining stanzas of the Japu(ji) as Guru Nanak`s answers to them.