GHARIBDAS IAS, followers of` Sant Gharibdas (1717-78), also known as Satsahibias for their peculiar form of greeting which is `Sat Sahib,` i.e. eternally existent (satya) is the Lord (sahib). The founder of the sect, Gharib Das was born in 1717 in the small village Chhudani, in Rohtak district. He got married, had six children four sons and two daughters, and lived a normal worldly life until he came under the influence of Dadupanthis. His sincere and persistent devotion won him many followers who sought initiation from him.
KAFI (Arabic Qafi), literally stands for the leader, the enlightener, one who fulfils the need. In poetics it denotes the refrain in a song or hymn, and is also the title given to a poetic form in Arabic as well as in Indian literature. Guru Nanak was the first to use this poetic form in Punjabi literature, and this he was followed by several Sufi poets and others. Kafi has also been called a ragim and a metre (tatank), though opinion differs on this count.In the Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, Kafis have not been collected under any one raga; they occur under ragas Asa, Tilang, Suhi and Maru.