BATHU, village in Una district of Himachal Pradesh and 15 km west of Nangal along the Nangal Garhshankar road, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Gurplah Patshahi Dasmi, commemorating the visit of Guru Gobind Singh in 1700. Guru Gobind Singh arrived here from Bibhaur and reposed for some time under a plah tree (Butia fondosa) and, according to local tradition, held a discourse with Guru Nanak`s direct descendant, Baba Kaladhari, then living at Una.
BIR GURU, by Rabindranath Tagore, is a life sketch in Bengali of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708), the last of the Ten Gurus of the Sikh faith, emphasizing especially how he had prepared Sikhs to stand up to oppression and injustice. This is Tagore`s first writing on Guru Gobind Singh published in 1885 in the Sraban July-August issue of the Balak. The poet was then in his early twenties. Though no reference is made in the text to any earlier work on the Sikhs, Tagore (1861-1941) seems to have been familiar with the writings of Malcolm (Sketch of the Sikhs), McGregor (History of the Sikhs) and Cunningham (A History of the Sikhs).
GURU GOBINDA SINGHA, by Basanta Kumar Banerjee, is a biography in Bengali of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth spiritual teacher of the Sikh faith. According to the author\'s statement, the book is an enlarged version of a chapter on the Tenth Guru in his book Sikh Guru. However, neither the Sikh Gurunor the Sikh Gharitra which he claims to have written is extant today. Guru Gobinda Singha, first published in 1909 and later translated into Hindi and English, begins with a general review of the political and religious conditions of the Punjab on the eve of the rise of Sikhism.
JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh, is situated within the revenue limits of Virevala Kalari village, 25 km west of Faridkot (30°40`N, 74°45`E) in the Punjab. This is believed to be the place where, according to Mdlvd Desk Ratan di Sdkhi Potht, Guru Gobind Singh, during his travels through the Malva country, rested awhile in the forest under a ber tree. The name Jand Sahib was given it later, probably because of the abundance of jand trees (Prosopis spicigera) in the forest.