DHADI, one who sings vars or ballads to the accompaniment of a musical instrument called dhad, a drumlet held in the palm of one hand and played with the fingers of the other. A concomitant of dhad is the sarangi, a stringed instrument. Dhadis, patronized by chiefs and princes, eulogized the deeds of valour of the members of the families they served or of popular folk heroes. In the Dasam Granth (Charitra 405), their origin is traced back to the mythological combat between Mahakal and Suasvirya, the first ancestor of the dhadis being born of the sweat of the former.
GOBIND SINGH, GURU (1666-1708), the tenth and the last Guru or Prophet teacher of the Sikh faith, was born Gobind Rai on Poh sudi 7, 1723 Bk/22 December 1666 at Patna, in Bihar. His father, Guru Tegh Bahadur, the Ninth Guru, was then travelling across Bengal and Assam. Returning to Patna in 1670, he directed his family to return to the Punjab. On the site of the house at Patna in which Gobind Rai was born and where he spent his early childhood now stands a sacred shrine, Takht Sri Harimandar Sahib, one of the five most honoured scats of religious authority (takht, lit. throne) for the Sikhs.
GURMAT PRABHAKAR (gurmat = the Guru`s teaching or instruction; prabhdkar= the sun, light, i.e. illuminator or elucidator) is a compendium of Sikh principles and of the Sikh way of life arranged topic wise and alphabetically by the celebrated Sikh theologian and lexicographer Bhai Kahn Singh of Nabha. First published in 1898, the book is dedicated by the author to "Panth Akali" who is vowed to the welfare of the people and the country. The purpose of the author was to enable the reader locate in the voluminous Guru Granth Sahib verses relevant to any special occasion or to his requirements.