HAZARA SINGH, GIANI (1828-1908), scholar and educator, was born in Amritsar in 1828. He also used to inscribe his name as Bhai Hazara Singh Giani as well as Hazur Hari. His father, Bhai Savan Singh, was employed in the Golden Temple as a store keeper. The family had migrated from Harappa, now in Pakistan, to settle in Amritsar.
PANJ GRANTHI, a pothi or small book containing five chosen texts, from the Guru Granth Sahib. The word panj means `five` and grantht is the diminutive form from granth (holy book). The Guru Granth Sahib is a large volume and can be enthroned and opened for recitation only in the prescribed ritualistic manner in gurudwaras or in a room especially set apart in a private house for this purpose. To facilitate private recitation or study of selected barns, small anthologies began to be prepared. The origin of the gutka (lit. a casket of gems; a breviary) is traced to the time of Guru Ram Das.
PRIKHIA PRAKARAN (printed = test; prakaran = part or fragment) by Pandit Tara Singh Narotam is a small tract, bound with the author`s more famous Gurumat Nimaya Sdgar, endevouring to establish the authenticity or otherwise of the authorship of the various Sikh texts including the Guru Granth Sahib, the Dasam Granth, Prdn SangK, Janam Sdkhi Bhdl Bald, Prem Sumdrag, Makke di Gosti, Varan by Bhai Gurdas, hukamndmds, etc.