TARAPUR, a village 5 km east of Anandpur (310 14N, 760 31`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who constructed a fortress here after his return from Paonta in 1688. He also had a baoli (open well with steps leading down to water level) dug to ensure supply of water for the garrison. The Taragarh Fort, one of a chain of defensive fortifications of Anandpur, is no longer in existence.
UJAGAR SINGH, BHAI (1902-1921), one of the Nankana Sahib martyrs, was born on 10 June 1902, the son of Bhai Jagat Singh and Mat Dial Kaur of Chakk 64 Bandala Nihaloana in Lyallpur (now Faisalabad) district of Pakistan. He learnt Gurmukhi at the village gurdwara and was able fluently to recite passages from the Guru Granth Sahib and stories of the Sikh martyrs. Ujagar Singh grew up into a handsome youth, strong of limb and fair complexioned.
AKAL BUNGA SAHIB GURUDWARA, ANANDPUR This Gurdwara is situated exact opposite to Gurdwara Sis Ganj. Here, Guru Sahib addressed the Sikhs after the cremation of the head of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib. Guru Sahib asked the Sikhs to bow before the Will of the Almighty. He told them to be prepared for struggle for freedom of faith and war against tyranny and injustice.
BHAGI BANDAR, village 3 km north of Talvandi Sabo (29°59`N, 75° 5`E), in Bathinda district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Jandsar, sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who visited the site during his stay at Talvandi Sabo. According to local tradition, the jand tree (Prosopis spicigera) and the old well in the Gurdwara compound have existed since before the time of the Guru`s visit. The present complex replacing the old shrine was raised in 1985. The Gurdwara is maintained by the local community.
BHERA SRI GOBIND SINGH JI KA, also known as Var Bhere ki Patshahi Das, is an anonymous account, in Punjabi verse, of the battles of Anandgarh, Nirmohgarh and Chamkaur (1762 Bk/AD 1705). BAera from bher in Punjabi means a headon clash between two rival forces. A manuscript of this work was discovered in Baba Bir Singh`s dera at Naurangabad, nearAmritsar, and has since been published in an anthology, entitled Prachin Varan Te Jangname, brought out by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee in 1950. The BAera comprises twenty-four cantos of unequal length written in the poetic metre Nishani, with each canto preceded by a sloka.
CHAKK PREMA. village 6 km northeast of Phagwara (31° 14`N, 75° 46`E) in Kapurthala district of the Punjab,...