GURUSAR, village 11 km northwest of Giddarbaha (30°12`N, 74°39`E) in Faridkot district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Mariji Sahib, sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who visited the place in 1706 on his way from Muktsar to Talvandi Sabo. The Gurdwara, situated on the bank of the village pond, comprises the old Mariji Sahib, a domed octagonal structure skirted by a covered circumambulatory passage, and an assembly hall, added more recently. The 50metre square sarovans also a later addition. The Gurdwara owns 25 acres of land and is managed by the ShiromanIT Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Special divans are held to mark major anniversaries on the Sikh calendar.
JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, 5 km west of Chamkaur Sahib (SOS`N. 76°25`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, stands at the fringe of a vast expanse of marshy grassland. It is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who after leaving Chamkaur on the night of 78 December 1705, took a westerly direction passing through a desolate wasteland which even now, during these days of expanding population and intensive cultivation, is no better than a treeless pasture. Here, where Gurdwara Jand Sahib now stands, the Guru stayed awhile under a jand tree to rest his weary limbs.