TOKA SAHIB, GURDWARA, established in honour of Guru Gobind Singh, who stayed here for a few days in 1688, is on the border of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. The Gurdwara is in Sirmur district of Himachal Pradesh, but the nearest village Tota, about one kilometre to the southeast, is in Ambala district of Haryana. The Gurdwara is a modest flat roofed room, with an allround verandah. An improvised hut near by serves as the residence of alone Nihang who looks after the shrine.
BELA, pronounced bella, means, in Punjabi usage, a jungle of tall grasses, reeds and assorted shrubbery along the banks of rivers and streams. The word also received a different connotation when an Udasi saint and preacher, Banakhandi, established in AD 1818 a preaching centre on an Island in the River Indus near Sakkhar in Sindh (now in Pakistan) and named it Shri Sadhubela Tirath. This created a new vogue and several other Udasi centres adopted the name Sadhu Bela although they were nowhere near a river.
BODAL, village 4 km south of Dasuya (31°49`N. 75°39`E) in Hoshiarpur district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644) who once visited here during a hunting expedition and rested under a garna tree (Capparis horrida) for some time. Bhai Chuhar, a Muslim bard of the village, entertained him by playing on his rebeck. The Guru advised him to learn to perform kirtan, i.e. the singing of sacred hymns. The tree about 200 metres southwest of the village under which Guru Hargobind had sat came to be known as Gama Sahib.