PARDAH SYSTEM, the custom in certain societies of secluding women from men, is of ancient origin. Pardah is a Persian word meaning veil, curtain or screen. Pardah system involves the covering of the bodies or at least faces by grownup women from the gaze of males other than the closest kin, and their confinement to separate apartments in the interior of their homes variously called haram, zenana, antahpur or avarodha. In its most rigid form the pardah system prevails in some of the Muslim societies, but the custom of the seclusion of women from men existed long before the advent of Islam.
SADH, BHAI, devoted disciple of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), who lived near the ancient city of Balkh in central Asia. Zulfiqar Ardastani, the author of DabistanI Mazahib, a contemporary work in Persian, records, two anecdotes which show that Bhai Sadh was a devoted Sikh who, unaffected by joys and sorrows of life, rejoiced in serving the will of the Guru. "Once he," says Zulfiqar Ardastani, "set out upon the Guru`s order from Balkh to Iraq to buy horses. He had a grownup son who fell sick." People said, "you are still in the city of Balkh, only a stage away from home. Go back and see your son."