BANI BIRDH PRATAP is a collection of religious and devotional poetry in a mixture of Braj and Punjabi, written in Gurmukhi script by Baba Ram Das, a Divana sadhu. The volume is preserved with reverence due to a religious scripture in the dera or monastery of the Divana sect established by Baba Ram Das himself when he arrived in 1800 Bk/AD 1743 at the head of a group of sadhus and settled on the eastern outskirts of the town of Patiala. According to the Divana tradition, Ram Das blessed Maharaja Sahib Singh that a very lucky son will be born to him, and accordingly when a son was born to him in 1855 Bk/AD 1798, the Maharaja named him Karam (karam = luck or fortune) Singh, and donated to the dera 500 bighas of land further eastwards of the town.
SRI SATIGURU Jl DE MUHAIN DJAN SAKHIAN, i.e. witnesses or instructions from the lips of the venerable Guru himself, is the title of a manuscript, preserved in Gurdwara Manji Sahib at Kiratpur in the Sivaliks by the granthi, Babu Singh, who claims descent from Bibi Rup Kaur, adopted daughter of Guru Har Rai, NanakVH (1630-1661). The manuscript is said to have been transcribed by Bibi Rup Kaur and given her as a gift by the Guru at the time of her marriage. It has now been edited and published, with five additional sakhis, by a young scholar, Narindar Kaur. Of the thirty-three sakhis in the original manuscript, one is common with MS. No. 1657 (AD 1661) and two witli MS. No. 5660 (n.d.), both preserved in (lie Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar (since destroyed).
CHAUNKI or Chauki, lit. quarter, a four footed wooden platform upon which sat the holy choir to recite the sacred hymns in a gurdwara or at a gathering of the devotees. The term chaunki also refers to a session of kirtan or hymn singing, the number of singers at such sessions commonly being four, nowadays usually three, playing different instruments. Kirtan is a popular form of worship among Sikhs. At all major gurdwaras at least four kirtan chaunkfs are held. At the central shrine, in Amritsar, the Harimandar, kirtan goes on all the time, from 2.45 a.m. to 9.45 p.m.