JHANDA RAMDAS. popularly called Ramdas, a village in Amritsar district of the Punjab, celebrates Baba Buddha of revered...
JHANDA, BHAI, of the village of Dalla, now in Kapurthala district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. He was among those who waited on the Guru when he visited Dalla. Among the visitors was also a learned Pandit. He undertook to serve the Sikhs by reciting to them the holy texts and ask for nothing in return. The Guru ended the assembly by adjuring the Sikhs faithfully to observe the Gurus` festivals. See Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Siklun`i di Bfiagnt Maid.
NISHAN SAHIB is the name for the tall Sikh flag which marks all gurudwaras and other religious premises of the Sikhs. Nishdn is a Persian word with multiple meanings, one of these being a flag or standard. Sahib, an Arabic word with the applied meaning of lord or master, is here used as an honorific. Thus Nishan Sahib in the Sikh tradition means the holy flag or exalted ensign. A synonymous term is Jhanda Sahib (jhandd also meaning a flag or banner). The Sikh pennant, made out of saffron coloured, occasionally out of blue coloured, mainly in the case of Nihangs, cloth is triangular in shape, normally each of the two equal sides being double of the shorter one.