ANGLOSIKH TREATY (BHYROWAL/ BHAROVAL, December 1846), signed on 16 December 1846 between the East India Company and the minor Maharaja Duleep Singh, provided for a Britishcontrolled regency till the Maharaja came of age. Maharani Jind Kaur, who was acting as regent other son, Duleep Singh, had believed that, as stipulated in the treaty of Lahore (11 March 1846), the British force would leave Lahore. But she was soon disillusioned as the British, instead of quitting, started strengthening their authority over Lahore administration. GovernorGeneral Henry Hardinge sent to Lahore his secretary, Frederick Currie, who isolating Maharani Jind Kaur, manipulated the leading sardars and chiefs into requesting the British for a fresh treaty.
AVITABILE, PAOLO CRESCENZO MARTINO (1791-1850), a Neapolitan soldier of fortune who, starting life as a private gunner, succeeded in obtaining high ranks in two widely separated Asiatic armies of Persia and Punjab, was born at Agerola, Naples, Italy, on 25 October 1791. From 1807 onwards he successively served in the local militia and in Napoleon`s army. In 1817, he resigned from the army and, roaming about various countries, reached Persia in 1820 and joined the Shah`s army.
BAOLI SAHIB GURUDWARA ,This Gurudwara is situated in the famous busy market of Dabbi Bazaar in the centre of Lahore city. One side of this Gurudwara adjoins Dabbi Bazaar, the second is adjacent to Laha Bazaar, the third opens on Kesera Bazaar and the fourth borders to stay there. The Guru got a baoli built there.In A.D. 1599, when Guru Arjan Dev, the redeeemer of the mankind came to Lahore, Bhai Chhajju Bhagat came along with a pathan to pay his respect to the Guru and put a bag full of 282 mohars at the feet of the Guru, requesting him to utalise the same for religious works.