JANAMASTHAN BEBE NANAKI, GURUDWARA at Dera Chahal Distt Lahore The village called Dera Chahal is in the jurisdiction of P.S. Burki of district Lahore. This village is at a distance of 35 km from Lahore while going to Ghawindi. There is a shrine of Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Ji in this village and Gurdwara is also called Janamasthan Baybay (Mother) Nanaki. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited this village many a time because his maternal grand parents were from this village. It was here that Bebe Nanaki , the elder sister of the Guru, was born in Samvat 1524.
KHALSA CENTRAL COUNCIL, a society formed in Lahore in 1933 to safeguard the interests of the Sikhs, had a very short career. The occasion for the formation of the Council arose when Giani Sher Singh and Master Tara Singh, two prominent Sikh leaders of pre-partition Punjab, openly confronted each other soon after the announcement by the British government of the Communal Award (1932). The Sikhs deplored the Award as it did not meet their political aspirations.
MUL RAJ, DIWAN, governor of Hazara during Sikh times, was connected through family lies with Misr Beli Ram, an influential courtier. During the prime ministership of Raja Hira Singh (1843-44) when Misr Beli Ram was imprisoned, Diwan Mul Raj too was suspected of disloyalty towards the State. He was placed under the supervision of Raja Gulab Singh and was asked to render accounts. Hira Singh was himself replaced by Jawahar Singh as prime minister.
RADCLIFFE AWARD, under which the dividing line between the West (Pakistan) Punjab and the East (Indian) Punjab was drawn, is so called after the name of the Chairman of the Punjab Boundary Commission, Sir Cyril Radcliffe, an eminent British jurist especially invited to fix the boundaries between the newly created States, India and Pakistan. The Commission was also charged with the delimiting of the boundaries of the provinces of Bengal and Punjab.