Chola Takian Wala (A Garb with Patches) is an autobiography of Dr. Harbhajan Singh—Professor Emeritus and an eminent literature of Punjabi. This autobiography consists of 30 chapters of varying lengths. The title of this piece is a symbolic one. The author has defined his life through a symbol of a garb which has patches. A hidden connotation of spirituality is detectable in this metaphorical expression. Dr. Singh has revealed the very secret of his success in life and has narrated artistically, a few significant episodes directly related to his academic and literary career. In his childhood, the untimely death of his father and then of his mother, made him lonely and isolated.
VAIRAG, usually bairagor sometimes virag`in Punjabi, is derived from Sanskrit vairagya meaning "change or loss of colour, growing pale ; disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of ; freedom from all worldly desire, indifference to worldly objects or to life ; asceticism," or analysed as vi (prefix denoting disunion, separation, division)+rag (act of colouring or dyeing, colour, hue, tint, dye especially red colour, redness ; any feeling or passion especially love, affection or sympathy for ; vehement desire of, interest, joy, delight in; musical note, harmony, melody; loveliness, beauty). Simply stated, vairaghas been defined as a mental state or attitude implying "detachment from and indifference to all things that stimulate desire, arouse the passion and strengthen any of the other virtues or vices."
DEATH, the primordial mystery and one of the cardinal conditions of existence. Scientifically, death is defined as "the permanent cessation of the vital function in the bodies of animals and plants" or, simply, as the end of life caused by senescence or by stoppage of the means of sustenance to body cells. In Sikhism the universal fact of mortality is juxtaposed to immortality (amarapad) as the ultimate objective (paramartha) of life. As a biological reality death is the inevitable destiny of everyone. Even the divines and prophets have no immunity from it. Mortality reigns over the realms of the gods as well.
ITIHAS GURU KHAIA, by Sadhu Gobind Singh, whose earlier name was Pandit Ganda Singh, is a historical account, in Hindi, of the Sikhs, beginning with Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and terminating with the post Banda Singh period of much turbulence and trial. Sadhu Gobind Singh, a Nirmala scholar, was born in Amritsar district sometime in the third or fourth decade of the nineteenth century. Quite early in life, he became the disciple of Pandit Nihal Singh. He was at Kashi for many years studying Sanskrit language and literature, philosophy, history and the Puranas being his favourite subjects. It was there that lie did all his creative writing. He passed away in AD 1899.
NAND SINGH or Anand Singh was still in his teens when he went to Anandpur to see Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) and stayed on until his parents arrived to complain to the Guru that the boy, who had lately been married, had forsaken his bride and took little interest in family life. The Guru, records an eighteenth century chronicle, Gur Ratan Mdl, called the boy and instructed him with the help of two parables in the virtues of the life of a householder. Nand Singh thereafter led a married life remaining in the service of the Guru.
SANGAT SINGH, SANT (1882-1950), a Sikh saint revered for his piety as well as for his learning, was born in 1882, at Kamalia, a small town in Lyallpur district, now in Pakistan. His father, Bhai Sital Das, a Sahajdhari Sikh, was a descendant of Bhai Shamu Sachiar, one of the recipients of a bakhshish, i.e. a missionary seat, from Guru Har Rai. Young Sangat Das, as he was originally named, was brought up in an atmosphere of religious devotion and discipline. He was imparted such education as was available at home in those days reading and writing in Gurmukhi and some knowledge of Sikh sacred texts.