AI PANTH, one of the twelve sects of yogis, whose adherents worship Ai Bhavani, a tribal female deity, believed to be an extension of Sakti. Siva in the form of ardhanarisvara is said to have two forms represented by his own halves. His right side is the male whose followers are called daksinacharis, whereas his left portion represents the female known as Sakti, the basic power also called Amba, Durga, Kali or Bhavani. Worshippers of the female aspect of Siva are called vamamargis, known for their peculiar beliefs and customs. They accept no taboos in the matter of food and accord religious sanction to sexual freedom.
DURGA, BHAI, a devoted Sikh living in the time of Guru Angad and Guru Amar Das. His name...
LAKSHMlPUR, in Katihar district of Bihar, is predominantly a Sikh village and has a historical shrine dedicated to Guru Tegh Bahadur. The ancestors of the inhabitants of this village lived in Kantnagar, a flourishing port on the left bank of the River Ganga, and it was in fact this latter village where Guru Tegh Bahadur had stayed on his way back from Assam to Patna in 1670. The whole village accepted the Sikh faith.
AHIMSA. The term ahimsa is formed by adding the negative prefix a to the word himsa which is derived from the Sanskrit root \'han\', i.e. \'to kill\', \'to harm\', or \'to injure\', and means not killing, not harming, not injuring. The commonly used English equivalent \'non-violence\' is inadequate as it seems to give a false impression that ahimsa is just a negative virtue. Ahimsa is not mere abstention from the use of force, not just abstention from killing and injuring; it also implies the positive virtues of compassion and benevolence because not killing and not injuring a living being implicitly amounts to protecting and preserving it and treating it with mercy.