TREATY WITH GULAB SINGH, 16 March 1846. Gulab Singh Dogra was formally invested with the title of Maharaja on 15 March 1846 and on the following day was concluded between him and the British government a treaty whereby he was recognized as ruler of the hill territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the erstwhile provinces of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore. This included "all the hilly or mountainous country with its dependencies, situated to the eastward of the River Indus, and westward of the River Ravi." In consideration of the transfer made to him, Maharaja Gulab Singh was to pay to the British government a sum of seventy five lacs of Nanakshahl rupees.
AZIZ UDDIN, FAQIR (1780-1845), physician, diplomat, and foreign minister at the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was the eldest son of Ghulam Mohy udDin, a leading physician of Lahore. Of his two brothers, Nur udDin held charge of the city of Lahore and had been governor of Gujrat, and Imam udDin was qilahdar (garrison commander) of the Fort of Gobindgarh. The family claims its descent from Ansari Arab immigrants from Bukhara, in Central Asia, who settled in Lahore as hakims or physicians. Hakim is the original title by which `Aziz udDin was known, the prefix Faqir appearing for the first time in the official British correspondence only after 1826.
OCHTERLONY, SIR DAVID (1758-1825), soldier and diplomat, son of David Ochterlony, was born at Boston, Massachusetts, on 12 February 1758. In 1777, he joined the service of the East India Company as a cadet. He served under Lord Lake in the battle of Delhi and was appointed British resident in 1803 at the court of Shah `Alam, emperor of Hindustan. In 1808, he was the garrison commander at Allahabad when he was ordered to advance to the Sutlej with a detachment to meet the Sikh troops in the cis Sutlej region. From 1809-14 he was agent to the Governor General at the Ludhiana Political Agency.