SHAH ZAMAN, son of Taimur Shah and grandson of Ahmad Shah Durrani, became the ruler of Afghanistan in May 1793 at the age of 23. As soon as Shah Zaman came to the throne, he proclaimed his intention of reestablishing the Afghan sway in India. His first attempt to conquer India brought him as far as Hasan Abdal; he had to return to Afghanistan to put down a revolt by his brother, Mahmud. Two years later he was back in the Punjab again and, in addition to retaking Hasan Abdal, he captured Rohtas from the Sukkar chakkias, Ranjit Singh thus being the first Sikh chieftain to suffer aggression at his hands. Once again Shah Zaman had to return home, this time to prevent an invasion of his own country from me west.
SULTAN MAHMUD KHAN (d. 1859) , son of General Ghaus Khan, was a commander of a section of heavy artillery during the regime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. His derah of artillery was designated as Topkhanai Sultan Mahmud. After the death of General Ghaus Khan in 1814, although the chief command of the artillery was entrusted to Misr Divan Ghand, the battery under the former`s command was placed in the charge of Sultan Mahmud. Sultan Mahmud accompanied Maharaja Ranjit Singh on his expeditions against Multan and Kashmir. After the reorganization of the Sikh army into Brigades in 1835, when a horse battery was attached to each brigade, the heavy siege train continued to be commanded by General Sultan Mahmud as a separate corps.
FATEH KHAN (d. 1818), son of Painda Khan, the Barakzai chief, who overthrew Shah Zaman, the king of Afghanistan (1793-1800), and placed his half-brother Shah Mahmud on the throne of Afghanistan, himself becoming prime minister. Shah Mahmud was dethroned in 1803 and was succeeded by Shah Shuja`. Fateh Khan expelled Shah Shuja` in 1809 and restored Shah Mahmud to sovereignty. Shah Shuja` fell into the hands of`Ata Muhammad Khan. the governor of Kashmir. As Kashmir was the richest province of the kingdom of Afghanistan, Fateh Khan turned his attention towards `Ata Muhammad Khan.