LUDHIANA POLITICAL AGENCY, renamed North-West Frontier Agency in 1835, was established in 1810 as tlie main official channel of Anglo-Sikh political and diplomatic communications. When, in February 1809, Lt. Col David Ochlerlony established a British military post at Ludhiana during Charles Metcalfe`s negotiations with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the town belonged to Raja Bhag Singh of Jtnd. Ranjit Singh had seized Ludhiana from the ruling Muhammadan family during his Malva campaign of 1807 and bestowed it on Bhag Singh.
SIKH YUDDHER ITIHAS O MAHARAJA DULEEP SINGH, by Barodakanta Mitra, is a brief narrative in Bengali of the fall of the Sikh kingdom and of the career of the deposed sovereign Duleep Singh. Published in Calcutta in AD 1893, the monograph made use of the official records and other primary sources, besides relying heavily on a number of secondary works such as those of Cunningham, Bell, Smyth and Stein bach. Broadly, the volume can be divided into two sections, the first dealing with the Anglo Sikh wars which, in the opinion of the author, marked the "most decisive event" in the nineteenth century history of India, and the second devoted to the life of Maharaja Duleep Singh.
TITLES AND ORDERS OF MERIT, instituted at his court by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, broadly followed the Mughal pattern, though there did not exist among the Sikh nobility a specific classification or hierarchy which marked the mansabdan system of the Mughals. Tides and awards were granted to princes of the royal blood, principal sardars and high officials of the State, and they carried with them privileges as well as jagirs. Thus did the Maharaja also patronize his favourites and men of proven loyalty to him and his family. The highest title seems to have been Rajai Rajgan held only by one person in the history of Sikh rule.
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