MOTI RAM, DIWAN (1770-1837), was the only son of Diwan Muhkam Chand, one of Maharaja Ranjil Singh`s most trusted army generals. Moll Ram officiated as the governor of the Jalandhar Doab during the absence of bis father on military expeditions. After the death of his father in 1814, he was confirmed as governor of the Jalandhar Doab. In 1818, Moti Ram participated in the successful Multan campaign. He became the first governor of Kashmir when in 1819 the territory was conquered and annexed to the Sikh kingdom, but he became so heartbroken after the death of his son, Ram Dial, killed in the battle of Hazara in 1820, that he resigned his post and retired to Banaras to live the life of a recluse.
KIRPA RAM, DIWAN (d. 1843), civil administrator, soldier and statesman in Sikh times, was the youngest son of Diwan Moti Ram. In 1819, Kirpa Ram was sent by Maharaja Ranjit Singh to Hazara to settle that turbulent country. The same year he was transferred to the Jalandhar Doab as governor in place of his father, Moti Ram, entrusted witli charge of the Kashmir province. In 1823, Kirpa Ram joined tlic Maharaja with the Doab forces and took part in the battle of Naushchra in which the Afghan forces under Muhammad `Azim Khan of Kabul suffered a heavy defeat.