CHALI MUKTE, lit. forty (chalf) liberated ones (mukte), is how a band of 40 brave Sikhs who laid down their lives fighting near the dhab or lake of Khidrana, also called Isharsar, on 29 December 1705 against a Mughal force in chase of Guru Gobind Singh are remembered in Sikh history and daily in the Sikh ardas or supplicatory prayer offered individually or at gatherings at the end of all religious services. Guru Gobind Singh, who had watched the battle from a nearby mound praised the martyrs` valour and blessed them as Chali Mukte, the Forty Immortals. After them Khidrana became Muktsar the Pool of Liberation.
JINWADA, pronounced Jinvara, 11 km from Bidar (17"55`N, 77"32T.) in Karnataka is situated along the road connecting Bidar to BarauliAuradh, a Talluqa headquarters in Bidar district. Gurdwara Tap Asthan Mai Bhago at Jinwada honours the memory of Mai Bhago, revered as a saint, who fought in the battle of Muktsar. From Muktsar onwards, she constantly remained in the train of Guru Gobind Singh s followers and travelled with them to the Dcccan. After the Guru`s passing away at Nandcd, MaT Bhago retired further south.
MAGHI, Makara Sankranti, the first day of the month of Magh when, according to the Zodiac, the sun enters the house of Capricorn. It is observed in India as a winter solstice festival. The eve of Maghi is the common Indian festival of Lohri when bonfires are lit in Hindu homes to greet the birth of sons in the families and alms are distributed. In the morning, people go out for an earlyhour dip in nearby tanks. For Sikhs, Maghi means primarily the festival at Muktsar, a district town of the Punjab, in commemoration of the heroic fight of the Chali Mukte, lit.
MALLAN, village 15 km southwest of Jaito (30°-26\'N, 74°-53\'E) in Faridkot district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Ramsar Patshahi X, one km north of the village where Guru Gobind Singh is said to have stopped for a short while travelling towards Khidrana, now Muktsar, in December 1705. The Gurdwara, a flat-roofed hall inside a walled compound entered through a steel gate, is maintained by the village sangat.