TAKHTUPURA, village 5 km east of Nihalsinghvala (30"35`N, 75"16`E) in present day Moga district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Guru Hargobind (1595-1644) and Guru Gobind Single (1666-1708). Three separate shrines close to one another and collectively called Nanaksar after the name of the sarovar or sacred pool commemorate the Gurus` visits. GURDWARA PATSHAHI PAHILI, on the bank of Nanaksar sarovar, marks the site where Guru Nanak had discoursed with a few Siddhayogis who lived on a nearby mound.
WALI QANDHARl (lit. Saint of Qandahar) was, according to a tradition popularized by Bhai Bala Janam Sakhi and Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Nanak Prakash, a Muslim recluse putting up on top of a hill near Hasan Abdal, now in Campbellpore (Attock) district of Pakistan Punjab. Accompanied by Bhai Mardana, Guru Nanak came to Hasan Abdal on his way back from Mecca and Baghdad and halted at the foot of the hill. Feeling fatigued and thirsty, but seeing no water in the vicinity, Mardana went up hill to Wall Qandhari.
ALPHABET (GURMUKHI) Punjabi alphabet is known as Gurmukhi. Since its characters were used for writing and transcribing the biography and hymns of Guru Nanak, it was given this name by the second Sikh Guru, Guru An gad Dev. It is a misnomer to call the Guru as the inventor of its characters, because before the advent of Guru Nanak, their usage had been prevalent according to in a tablet found at A thur in Ludhiana district. Even Guru Nanak himself based one of his poems entitled \'patti\' on its characters. This Alphabet is also called \'Paint is Akhri\' because it contains thirty-five letters.
HARIJAS GRANTH, by Bhai Darbari, is a collection of verse the first part (ff. 1530) of which is, in imitation of the Guru Granth Sahib, cast in rdgas, totalling thirty-four in number, adding Malkauns, Malva and Hindol to the thirty-one employed in the Sikh Scripture. The only known manuscript of the Harijas Granth, comprising 918 folios, which has so far remained unpublished and which was, according to internal evidence (f. 760), completed on Thursday, Jeth vadi 13, 1860 Bk/20 May 1803, is preserved in the Gurdwara Bhai Darbari at the village of Vairoke in Faridkot district. Bhai Darbari was a follower of Bhai Abhai Ram who was fifth in the line from Baba Miharban, leader of the schismatic Mina group of the Sikhs, and who later received the rites of Sikh baptism at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh and came to be known as Abhai Singh. The Harijas Granth begins with the Sikh Mul Mantra, here recorded in a somewhat changed order.