KAIRON (31°19`N, 74°52`E), village in Amritsar district of the Punjab, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Jhar Sahib, sacred to Guru Arjan (1563-1606). Located half a kilometre west of the village, it marks the site where the Guru, during one of his journeys through the Majha country, stayed for a short time. The karir tree {Capparis aphylla) to which, according to local tradition, the Guru`s horse was tethered was still standing until 1976 when it got uprooted in the construction work undertaken to renovate the building originally raised in 1925.
PARAS BHAG is an adaptation into Sadh Bhakha, in Gurmukhi script, of Abu Hamid Muhammad al Ghazzali`s Kimid iSa`ddat, an abridged edition in Urdu of his Ihyd ul Ulum, in Arabic. The work was first published in 1876. Several of the manuscript copies prior to that date are still in circulation. An edition in Devanagari script was brought out in 1929. The question as to who adapted the work into Bhakha and when has not been fully resolved. According to one tradition, the version in Gurmukhi characters was prepared towards the close of the seventeenth century at Anandpur by Sayyid Badr ud Din of Sadhaura at the instance of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708).