PRATAP SINGH, BHAI (1899-1922), one of the two martyrs in the Parija Sahib (Hasan Abdal) episode, was born on 26 March 1899 to Bhai Sarup Singh and Prem Kaur at Akalgarh, in Gujrariwala district, now in Pakistan. His father was a goldsmith by profession. He received his instruction at the village school, and worked as a teacher for some time at Mandi Bhalval in Sargodha district before moving to Karachi to serve as a clerk in a firm of commission agents. At the instance of his elder brother, Tara Singh, he became a clerk in the army and served in Multan and Rawalpindi cantonments.
WALI QANDHARl (lit. Saint of Qandahar) was, according to a tradition popularized by Bhai Bala Janam Sakhi and Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Nanak Prakash, a Muslim recluse putting up on top of a hill near Hasan Abdal, now in Campbellpore (Attock) district of Pakistan Punjab. Accompanied by Bhai Mardana, Guru Nanak came to Hasan Abdal on his way back from Mecca and Baghdad and halted at the foot of the hill. Feeling fatigued and thirsty, but seeing no water in the vicinity, Mardana went up hill to Wall Qandhari.