NARALI, village in Gujjarkhan subdivision of the Rawalpindi district in Pakistan, had a historical Sikh shrine, Gurdwara Patshahi VI, commemorating the visit of Guru Hargobind who briefly halted here during his journey towards Kashmir in 1619. The Guru`s purpose was to meet in this village an old Sikh, Bhai Harbans, popularly known as Harbans Tapa, i.e. Harbans the Ascetic. The Gurdwara, which had within its compound Harbans` samadh or tomb, had to be abandoned as a sequel to the partition of the Punjab in 1947 causing a two way migration of population.
\'ABDULLA BHAI\', Abdul according to some Sikh chroniclers, was a Muslim minstrel who recited heroic balladry at Sikh congregations in the time of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644). Abdul was born in the village of Sursingh, now in Amritsar district of the Punjab. He first came to Amritsar in 1606 at the time of the installation ceremony for Guru Hargobind at the Akal Takht. According to Gurbilas Chhevin Patshahi, he and his companion, Bhai Nattha, sang the stanza on the occasion: The Throne everlasting Has by the Holy Guru\'s presence become haloed, Indescribable is its splendour, How may I sing its glory! Seeing the Guru, Both the sun and the moon were shamed.
AMARNAMA, a Persian work comprising 146 verses composed in AD 1708 by Bhai Natth Mall, a dhadi or balladeer who lived from the time of Guru Hargobind to that of Guru Gobind Singh, Nanak X. The manuscript of the work in Gurmukhi script obtained from Bhai Fatta, ninth in descent from Bhai Natth Mall, through Giani Gurdit Singh, then editor of the Punjabi daily, the Prakash, Patiala, was edited by Dr Ganda Singh and published by Sikh History Society, Amritsar/ Patiala in 1953.
PEHLI PATSHAHI GURUDWARA, CHHOHATA MUFTI BAQAR This historical place, known as Dharamsala of the First Patshahi, is located in Mohalla Chohatta Mufti Baqar inside Delhi gate of Lahore city. In those days the locality was known as Siryanwala Bazaar or Chohatta Jawahar Mal. In 1567 Bikrami (1510 AD) Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed in the house of Duni Chand, one, of his devotee. Guru Dev arrived on the day when Duni hand was performing the ritual of "Saradah" of his father. Guru Dev Ji dissuaded him from these fallacies and brought him into the folds of Sikhism.