HOLMES, JOHN (d. 1848), a Eurasian soldier of fortune, who started his career as a trumpeter in tlic Bengal Horse Artillery. In September 1829, lie left the British, and joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s army as a gunner, eventually rising to the rank of colonel. He took part in the battle of Peshawar (1834) and the battle ofJamrud (1837). He accompanied General Vcntura on his hill campaign of 1840-41, and helped the British in forcing their way through the Khaibar Pass in 1842. He had also served in a civilian capacity as kdrddr (revenue officer) of Gujrat for two years (1835-36).
INDIA SECRET PROCEEDINGS (1834-1856), a manuscript series of Indian records at the India Office Library, London, succeeding Bengal Secret and Political Consultations (1800-34). It includes the entire range of despatches and correspondence of the North-West Frontier Agency from the heyday of Sikh political power in the Punjab down to the annexation of the Punjab in 1849.
WADE, SIR CLAUDE MARTINE (1794-1861), soldier and diplomat, son of Lt.Col Joseph Wade of the Bengal army, was born on 3 April 1794. He joined the Bengal army in 1809 and was promoted lieutenant in 1815. He served in operations against Scindia and Holkar, and the Pindaris (1815-19) and officiated as brigade major to British troops in Oudh (1820-21). In February 1823, he was appointed assistant at Ludhiana agency, becoming political agent in 1832 which position he held till 1840. Martine Wade was one of the few British functionaries on the Sutlej who by their tact and amiable disposition had won the esteem and affection of the Sikhs, He remained at Ludhiana for 17 years as assistant to agent (1823-27), political assistant (1827-32), and then as political agent (1832-40).
KHALSA DARBAR, an organization representing different Sikh parties established on 27 September 1932 at Lahore to resist the operation of what had come to be known as the Communal Award announced by the British Government on 16 August 1932. Earlier, anticipating these proposals, an all party Sikh conference convened on 28 July 1932 under the president ship of Giani Sher Singh, vice-president of Central Sikh League, had rejected the Award for having ensured the Muslims a permanent majority in the Punjab Legislature without providing any effective safeguards for the Sikhs.