RAKHI SYSTEM, the arrangement whereby the Dal Khalsa during the middecades of the eighteenth century established their sway over territories not under their direct occupation. Rakhi, lit. `protection` or `vigilance,` referred to the cess levied by the Dal Khalsa upon villages which sought their protection against aggression or molestation in those disturbed times. The establishment of Dal Khalsa in 1748 coincided with the first of a series of invasions by Ahmad Shah Durrani which further weakened the already crumbling administration of the Mughals.
SIKH ARMY PANCHAYATS, or regimental committees, were a singularly characteristic phenomenon of the post Ranjit Singh period of Sikh rule in the Punjab. Based on the Sikh principle of equality as well as of the supremacy of sangat or the sarbatt khalsa, they wielded great power during 1841-45. Like the rise of Soviets on the eve of the Russian revolution of 1917, panchayats in the Sikh army appeared spontaneously at a time of instability and declining administrative standards. The struggle of power between Mai, or dowager, Chand Kaur and Prince Sher Singh after the death of Maharaja Kharak Singh and his son, Nau Nihal Singh, ended in victory for the Prince, but at the expense of military discipline.
THAKAR DAS, son of Kanhaiya Lal, worked as keeper of the small private signet of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in place of his father for some time. He was later appointed manager of the area of Dhanni, Rupoval, etc., on a salary of rupees 4,320 per annum when Kanvar Nau Nihal Singh was in power. Thakar Das received a pension of Rs 360 from the British government on the annexation of the Punjab in 1849.
BHAGAUTI or Bhavani (Skt. Bhagavati. consort of Visnu, or the goddess Durga) has had in Sikh usage a chequered semantic history.In early Sikhism, especially in the compositions comprising the Guru Granth Sahib, the word means a bhakta or devotee of God. "So bhagautijo bhagvantai janai; he alone is a true devotee who knoweth the Lord" (GG, 88). In Bhai Gurdas, bhagautfhas been used as an equivalent of sword. "Nau bhagauti lohu gharaia iron (a lowly metal) when properly wrought becomes a (powerful) sword" (Varan, XXV. 6).
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