KABUL VALI MAI. or the Lady from Kabul, is the name chroniclers have given to a woman who rendered devoted service during the digging of the bdoH at Goindval under the supervision of Guru Amar Das. Day after day, says Sarup Das Bhalla, Mahimd Prakdsh, she toiled away at the site, without anyone knowing who she was, and where she had come from.One day Guru Amar Das told the Sikhs that the lady was from Kabul and that she had by her love of the Almighty and duty towards her husband attained spiritual insight.An old manuscript, Mahimd Prakdsh Sri Guru Amar Dev, and an inscription in Gurdwara Haveli Sahib at Goindval mention a lady being in charge of the manji or Sikh centre at Kabul, though they name her differently the former calling her Bibi Bhago and the latter Mat Sevan. It is likely that the Kabul Vali Mat was that lady, later appointed by Guru Amar Das a preacher in her own country.
NANAK PRAKASH, by Bhai Mahendranath Bose, is a biography of Guru Nanak in the Bengali language. The author was a follower of Keshabchandra Sen, and the followers of Sen used the word Bhai or Rev. Bhai for one another to convey a sense of close kinship and brotherhood. He had lived in the Punjab in 1871 in connection with his missionary work, and had learnt Punjabi and acquainted himself with Sikh literature. He planned to write a life sketch of Guru Nanak and began serializing his account in the Bengali journal Dharmatatva (July 1883). Interrupting the series, he started work on a book Nanak Prakdsh, the first part of which was published in 1885 and the second in 1893.
PANTH, from Sanskrit patha, pathin, or pantham, means literally a way, passage or path and, figuratively, away of life, religious creed or cult. In Sikh terminology, the word panth stands for the Sikh faith as well as for the Sikh people as a whole. It represents the invisible mystic body comprising all those who profess Sikhism as their faith and encompassing lesser bodies, religious as well as political, claiming to represent the whole of the Sikh population or any section of it.